NAMASTE: Introduction, Definition, Benefits and Right Way To do Namaste



In India, it is very common that we greet people with respect and say Namaste. Not only in India, across the world people, respect one and another. Every country has its own way of greeting people. Some shake hands, some wave and some even join hands and bow in order to greet people.

In this post let us see one of the common practices that are followed in India for decades. Yes, it is obviously “NAMASTE“. A very common attitude that is followed across India is Namaste. People all over India perform this whenever they meet others. So let us have a deep understanding, why is it followed across India.

Definition of Namaskar:

Namaste literally means “I Bow to you”. Let me explain you in detail, NAM which means “Bow”, AS which means “I”, and TE means “U”. When putting together it says “Bow-I-U” which is actually meant to be “I Bow to you”.

This custom is commonly found in India, Nepal and among Indian Diaspora. This is done in regards to salutation or Complimentary. It is sometimes called Namaskar and Namaskaram in a respectful manner. Whereas, according to Hinduism belief it is termed as “I Bow Down in Divine to You”.

How Namaste Related to “YOGA”?

Namaste is more or less understood to be the same in Yogic Philosophy. According to “The Women’s Health Big Book of Yoga” it is termed as the divinity in you is identified by the divinity in others. It may also be termed as the divine nature of yours is respected by the divine of others.

With the gesture of Namaste which is followed by joining hands and bowing before the other, you praise their divinity. This is mostly done when students meet their teacher, or when people meet their elders or when happened to meet high authority people. To make it simple for understanding it is a behavior of respect shown to others.

That is why even in YOGA people follow it initially before they start with the other practices. In Yoga, they praise their superior powers before they could start and then proceed with their other exercises which are commonly followed.

Benefits of Namaskar:

The human body is considered as Microcosmic in the cosmic world and there is a constant flow of immense energy within the human body.

  • A great level of divine consciousness is absorbed in Human Body.
  • The energy level is increased while uttering the word “NAMASKAR”.
  • Believed to share positive energy with the opponent.
  • This avoids physical contact in which negative impact is avoided.
  • This Greets soul and not body.
  • It recognizes the power of spirituality.
  • It is believed to be the overall stress deduction.
  • In addition, it boosts memory.
  • Brings Peaceful Sleep.
  • Helps Post-natal Mental Health.

How to do Namaste:

#1 Squeeze Your Arms In Front Of Your Chest:

Bring your arms to the center of your chest with your elbows out. It is actually focusing all your energy on the center of your soul. Your arms should be a mirror to one another. As you balance and harmony your body.

#2 Your Fingers Should Point Upward:

While you join and push your palm together, your fingers shouldn’t look downward. Make sure your thumb is pressed closely against your body and there is no gap between your chest and your hand.

#3 Bend Slightly:

Dip your head slightly as you perform this act and close your eyes. You do this to in order to show your respect. And pause for a second as you do them. You need to accompany all of these together.

#4 Greet Namaste:

As you perform the bowing act, and when you breathe say “NAMASTE”. Make sure you greet it in a calm and slow voice. Many do not perform or utter the word. It doesn’t bother. It is good to stay quiet to utter something without knowledge. Greet it like you utter a prayer.

#5 Ready to interact:

Once you finish greeting someone with NAMASTE, you could now release your bow with your hands in the same posture. And then bring to your side. Now you are ready to interact with the opponent.

This is how you perform or greet someone. You need to know why do you say or utter the word “NAMASTE”. You cannot blindly perform the act or say Namaste to someone you see. As you respect and salute someone who is in front of you when you perform this action.

Final Word:

So, whenever you see your elders or you wish to greet someone whom you meet. All you need to do is, from your soul, join your hands, slightly bow, and greet them “NAMASTE” from the bottom of your soul. So that you pass positive vibrations to the one who is in front of you.

Not only positive vibrations, you also get back the same sort of vibrations in you with a clear and peaceful mind. Hope this post was very much helpful to you. You can also let me know your valuable comments in case if I have missed any of the important points on “NAMASTE”.